
Ashley Simmons Creative

this Spring for


Mini Sessions

Time is a thief

& photographs are time machines.

How often as mothers do we find ourselves so caught up with the day to day that we find time passing by quicker than we can blink?

Photographs allow you to preserve a moment so precious and dear to you - so that you can continue to relish, reimagine, and savor your memories long after your favorite restaurant closes, your kids leave the house, and your favorite jeans rip. 

My hope with these mini sessions is to present fellow moms with the opportunity to carve out a time to focus on you all while highlighting your motherhood story.


Who: Mothers & their children

What: 15 minute photo sessions

Where: Verona, NJ

When: April 27th, 2024

Whether you are a mother, grandmother, or expecting

Join me Saturday afternoon in a light-filled photo studio in Verona, NJ for a brief photo session documenting your unique motherhood journey.

Motherhood Mini Sessions

What’s Included:

  • 15 minute mini photo session devoted to your motherhood journey

  • Minimum of 10 images from a professionally edited online gallery

  • Option to order custom prints and albums through your photo gallery’s online shop


Because your story is worth telling.

Because you are beautiful inside and out.

Because you are deserving of love and recognition.

Because your story is worth telling. Because you are beautiful inside and out. Because you are deserving of love and recognition.

The Studio Space


  • These mini sessions are for mother’s ready to celebrate any stage of their motherhood journey at any age.

    You may be an expecting mom wanting to capture your growing bump.

    Or a new mother who wants to document themselves in the first weeks or months of motherhood.

    Or maybe you are a seasoned mother or grandmother who wants to seize this opportunity to photograph yourself with your growing children.

    You could even make this a solo session or this makes a great opportunity for 3 generations to come together.

  • Yes of course! These sessions are meant to highlight you and your motherhood. That means you can enjoy this session solo or you can choose to have your littles join you.

  • Feeling awkward?

    That’s totally understandable. I consider any feeling you experience in front of the camera as normal because feelings are what make us human. As your photographer who was once a therapist, it is my belief that I am not here to change your feelings, I am here to support you through them. Honoring your authentic feelings and true experience is what I believe creates the most honest imagery.

    Of course, I strive to create a level of trust and comfort with all my clients. As your photographer, I will be there to support you every step of the way and provide you with as much guidance as you personally need.

  • You are beautiful just the way you are.

    Although your photos will be edited professionally, my intention is to preserve you and your loved one’s appearance in the most honest form. I may slightly touch up and soften impermanent things such as blemishes or scrapes, but my aim is for your photos to reflect your true self.

  • You will receive your photo gallery within 2-3 weeks.

  • Of course! Prints, albums, and much more are available to purchase directly through an online shop attached to your photo gallery. This makes the process simple and easy for you to enjoy the most out of your photos.

  • Need to know more? Fill out my inquiry form and I’ll be sure to reach out to you within 48 hours to answer any remaining questions you may have.

“As mothers we are often the ones hiding behind the scenes making sure all things keep running smoothly. These sessions are meant to highlight and showcase mothers - giving you an opportunity to step in front of the camera and capture the beauty of your motherhood journey.”

— your photographer, Ashley